Leisure Lake Baptist Church
Current & Upcoming Events Schedule 2025
Announcements for January 12, 2025
- The January Ladies Luncheon will be this Tuesday at noon in the Fellowship Hall, Bonnie will be sharing. Please bring a dish to share.
- The Gulf State Quartet will be here next Sunday January 19th with dinner on the grounds following the service. Invite someone and bring a dish to pass if you can. The Church will provide Fried Chicken and drinks.
- From Roanoke Virginia, Richard Kiser and his wife will be with us the last Sunday of the month, January 26th.
- Brother Doug Day from Cincinnati will be with us in concert on February 9th.
- Please join us Wednesdays at 6:35 pm for our new study in the Old Testament book or Amos.
- Fridays at 9am, the men’s small group breakfast and Bible study meet in the Fellowship Hall. All men are welcome